7 Habits That Can Harm the Kidneys


DokterSehat.Com– The kidneys are one of the organs in the body that are prone to damage. Especially if we adopt an unhealthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, there are still many people who do this, which makes the workload of this organ increase. In fact, this can lead to dangerous diseases.

Various habits are not healthy for the kidneys

Health experts say that kidneys that have started to become damaged or affected by disease will not be able to function properly. This will certainly make various kinds of toxins in the body accumulate and ultimately have a bad impact on the overall health condition of the body.

Here are various unhealthy habits that can harm our kidneys.

  1. Often eat foods high in salt

Foods with a high salt content are not only found in homemade dishes or in places to eat. In reality, there are a lot of packaged foods that are high in salt, such as chips, biscuits, and so on. Unfortunately, we don't realize it because it's not necessarily salty.

Not only can increase blood pressure. Foods high in salt can also put a strain on the kidneys and ultimately reduce their function significantly. In fact, health expert James Simon from the Cleveland Clinic said that the hobby of consuming foods high in salt can lead to an increased risk of developing kidney stones.

In order to maintain body condition, health experts advise us to limit salt intake to a maximum of 2,300 mg per day.

  1. Lazy to check blood pressure regularly

Blood pressure has a big influence on the condition of the kidneys as a whole. If we experience uncontrollable high blood pressure problems, this can lead to damage to the blood vessels in the kidneys and eventually damage this organ. The problem is that many people don't even realize that they have high blood pressure problems because they never get it checked.

Make sure to routinely do blood pressure checks at least twice a year to find out the condition of blood pressure in the body and adopt a healthy lifestyle to maintain its balance.

  1. Still smoking

Cigarettes can have a huge health impact on almost all parts and organs of the body. This is due to its ability to trigger an increase in blood pressure and damage blood vessels, including those in the kidneys. A study shows that the hobby of smoking for up to 16 years can increase the risk of kidney cancer by 40 percent!

  1. Not drinking enough

Not only will it cause thirst or dehydration, not drinking enough can also significantly increase the risk of kidney damage. This is caused by the kidneys having to work hard to filter out the blood which is much thicker due to the imbalance of body fluids. This then ultimately reduces its function significantly.

  1. Take medication carelessly

Carelessly taking painkillers without paying attention to the dosage or doctor's advice can lead to kidney damage. Long-term consumption of drugs without a doctor's supervision can also cause the same thing. This is because the kidneys have to work hard to process these drugs, making them vulnerable to damage.

  1. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep will make your kidneys more tense and you don't get enough rest. This in turn can have a significant impact on this organ damage.

  1. His hobby is consuming alcohol

Not only can it cause damage or disease to the liver, the hobby of consuming alcoholic beverages can double the risk of developing chronic kidney disease.

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