How To Make Cisco Switch Ports Fast Loading

Don't forget to read the previous article, namely> Beginner Programming Guide.

Still about computer network tutorials, this time we will discuss How to Make Cisco Switch Ports Fast Loading. For those of you who often use Cisco equipment, both Switches and Routers and others, sometimes if you connect the Swict-1 port to Switch-2 then the switch or Cisco router will do the reading or in our language we will think first.

Cisco port will think first usually takes about 30 seconds. and here we will provide a way to make loading from cisco faster.

For the steps you can use Cisco Packet Tracer

Please enter 4 switches in the Cisco packet tracer as shown above.
For SW-3 and SW-4, we leave the default settings without setting it so that later we can distinguish between them. Then the commands we will use are SW-1 and SW-2

On SW-1
Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#hostname SW-1
SW-1(config)#interface f0/1
SW-1(config-if)#spanning-tree portfast

On SW-2
Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#hostname SW-2
SW-2(config)#interface f0/1
SW-2(config-if)#spanning-tree portfast

If you have done the above command on SW-1 and SW-2, please practice it by removing the connecting cable for each switch. then you plug it back in.

The different is :
The SW-1 and SW-2 connecting cables will quickly turn green (connected)
The connecting cables SW-3 and SW-4 will be green for a long time (connected)
This is because on SW-1 and SW-2 we have set the spanning-tree portfast so that the switch port will read quickly, while SW-3 and SW-4 are by default, it will wait longer. You can also practice this directly on your Switch or Cisco Router so that it will shorten your time configuring Cisco equipment.

This is the way to make the Cisco switch port load fast, hopefully it will be useful for JNM friends :)

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